How to communicate effectively?

1 min readApr 7, 2021

As much as everyone wants ito be successful, nobody is comfortable discussing it with people who might judge or patronise or are known for gossiping. Success is relative. It is also a very personal and sensitive topic.

In various situations, instead of building each other up, we more often pull others down.

It could be unintentional. Unless you are really aware of how tricky it is to convey what you actually intend to, you might end up using the wrong word, emphasizing on a pain point, which then begins the downward spiral for the whole conversation’s intentions.

You should tread very carefully, whenever you find yourself at the listening end of the table. What you say, shouldn’t be inconsiderate, shouldn’t cause harm.

This does not mean you stop speaking altogether, or reduce socializing. There is a simple ask, before shooting those words, do pause to check if they are truly conveying a positive thought, offering advice (only if that’s the requirement), and are not going to create some chaos. Almost always, people leave after having conversations, but the impact of what was said, is felt long after. Words can make or break a relationship, an association. And unless you put yourselves in their shoes, you will never be able to even guess what started the cold war.

Always be mindful of what you say.

In all situations, personal or professional, what we say, conveys a lot more than what we realise.



